-(A) two external interrupt EINTB (KEY1), EINTC (KEY2), three tasks A, B, C, from low to high priority. (2) A task runs once every digital tube such that the first group increases the value of one, call the delay function 1s (3) B task waiting for the semaphore bsem (initial value is 0), the interrupt INTB amount bsem trigger signal transmission. Each time you run the task so that the second group increases the value of a digital control, call the delay function is 0.5s (4) C task waiting for the semaphore csem (initial value is 0), the interrupt is triggered semaphore csem INTC transmission, the task Each time you run such a light-emitting diode flashes, call the delay function is 0.1s
-(A) two external interrupt EINTB (KEY1), EINTC (KEY2), three tasks A, B, C, from low to high priority. (2) A task runs once every digital tube such that the first group increases the value of one, call the delay function 1s (3) B task waiting for the semaphore bsem (initial value is 0), the interrupt INTB amount bsem trigger signal transmission. Each time you run the task so that the second group increases the value of a digital control, call the delay function is 0.5s (4) C task waiting for the semaphore csem (initial value is 0), the interrupt is triggered semaphore csem INTC transmission, the task Each time you run such a light-emitting diode flashes, call the delay function is 0.1s