Petri Nets Simulator with Individual Tokens
Application allows you to create, analyse and simulate the following types of Petri nets: PT nets, nets with indywidual tokens and constant arc labels and nets with indywidual tokens and variable arc labels.
Its advantages are: intuitive edition of Petri nets, bilingual user interface (english and polish) and integration with the analyzer INA.
Program works under MS Windows (all 32-bit and 64-bit x86 versions).
User s manual is in PETRINET_EN.htm file.
You can download installer at http://students.mimuw.edu.pl/~witas/
Application allows you to create, analyse and simulate the following types of Petri nets: PT nets, nets with indywidual tokens and constant arc labels and nets with indywidual tokens and variable arc labels.
Its advantages are: intuitive edition of Petri nets, bilingual user interface (english and polish) and integration with the analyzer INA.
Program works under MS Windows (all 32-bit and 64-bit x86 versions).
User s manual is in PETRINET_EN.htm file.
You can download installer at http://students.mimuw.edu.pl/~witas/
Petri nets