针对 3 G PP最新发布的 LTE ( l o n g t er m evol u t i on ) R e l ease 8 标准, 研究了 LTE 空中接口协 议栈无线 链路控
制 ( ra d i o l i nk con t ro, l RLC ) 的子层确认 ( ac kn o w l e d ged m o d e , A M ) 传输模式的 设计与实 现机制。主要介 绍了 L TE 无
线接入网空中接口协议 栈的结构, 详细阐述了空中接口协 议栈中 RLC的 A M 数据传 输模式的 运行原理, 最 后根据
协议设计了一种具体在 协议栈软件中实现 A M 传输模式的方法。3 GP P L T E 协议栈 RL C 层 AM 传输-For 3 G PP Recently LTE (longt ER m eVol UTI on) R EL Ease 8 standard LTE air interface protocol stack of a radio link control (ra dioli nk con t ro, l RLC) sub-layer acknowledgment (ac kn owled ged mode, AM) Design and implementation of mechanisms for transfer mode. Mainly introduces L TE air interface of radio access network protocol stack structure, elaborated on the principle of operation of the air interface protocol stack, the data transmission mode of the RLC AM Finally, according to the protocol design a specific AM transmission implemented in the protocol stack software mode method. Of 3 GP PLTE protocol stack RL C layer AM transmission
制 ( ra d i o l i nk con t ro, l RLC ) 的子层确认 ( ac kn o w l e d ged m o d e , A M ) 传输模式的 设计与实 现机制。主要介 绍了 L TE 无
线接入网空中接口协议 栈的结构, 详细阐述了空中接口协 议栈中 RLC的 A M 数据传 输模式的 运行原理, 最 后根据
协议设计了一种具体在 协议栈软件中实现 A M 传输模式的方法。3 GP P L T E 协议栈 RL C 层 AM 传输-For 3 G PP Recently LTE (longt ER m eVol UTI on) R EL Ease 8 standard LTE air interface protocol stack of a radio link control (ra dioli nk con t ro, l RLC) sub-layer acknowledgment (ac kn owled ged mode, AM) Design and implementation of mechanisms for transfer mode. Mainly introduces L TE air interface of radio access network protocol stack structure, elaborated on the principle of operation of the air interface protocol stack, the data transmission mode of the RLC AM Finally, according to the protocol design a specific AM transmission implemented in the protocol stack software mode method. Of 3 GP PLTE protocol stack RL C layer AM transmission