

图书馆管理系统主要的目的是实现图书馆的信息化管理。图书馆的主要业务就是新书的借阅和归还,因此系统最核心的功能便是实现图书的借阅和归还。此外,还需要提供图书的信息查询、读者图书借阅情况的查询等功能。项目实施后,能够提高图书馆的图书借阅、归还流程,提高工作效率。整个项目需要在两个月的时间内交付用户使用。-The the the main The purpose of of the library management system is to to achieve the the of information technology management of the library' s. Of the the main business of the Library is the new book, of the track signout and restitution, Therefore the the system of the the most the core of the function is the to to achieve the the track signout and return of the of books. In addition, it is also need to provide the of the information query of the Books, the the query of the readers the books to borrow the situation of and other functions. The after the implementation of of the project, be able to improve the the the books to borrow of the library' s, restitution processes, improve work efficiency. The the entire project need to in the the the delivery of an user' s to use is in the two months of the time within the.

































































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