The plotform is TinyOS. When the clock fires, this application reads the light sensor
* and displays the higher 3 bits of the ADC readings to LEDs.
* This application behaves the same as Sense in Lesson 2 however,
* it is built simply by wiring MAIN, ClockC, Photo, IntToLeds
* and SenseToInt components together.
* and displays the higher 3 bits of the ADC readings to LEDs.
* This application behaves the same as Sense in Lesson 2 however,
* it is built simply by wiring MAIN, ClockC, Photo, IntToLeds
* and SenseToInt components together.
压缩包 : 113172230sensetoleds.rar 列表 SenseToLeds\Makefile SenseToLeds\README SenseToLeds\SenseToLeds.nc SenseToLeds