该上传内容是WPF自学手册书籍中的源代码,这本书最大的作用是让从未接触过Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation的读者能够从初学到精通掌握,运用WPF进行桌面开发,而且这本书的叙事风格和手法使得读者在经历掌握Microsoft WPF开发的整个过程是如此轻松快乐,在作者风趣调侃的语言当中不知不觉地学会WPF开发.本书从WPF的相关工具开始讲起,从WPF的体系结构、XAML、依赖属性、路由事件、命令等方面为读者奠定了一个坚实的学习基础。之后就切入了应用程序窗口、页面导航、布局等起步应用,能让读者及时地体会 到学习的成就感和乐趣。接下来的控件、样式、数据绑定、二维图形、动画等相关内容则能够为读者的WPF技术提升到一个比较高的层次,如同插上翅膀,自由翱翔.
这本书对于WPF核心技术的原理、概念、技术、技巧与开发实践的讲述,是基于一位完全不懂WPF的菜鸟学习经历的,非常符合国内程序员WPF技术的初学路线,如果您想学习Microsoft WPF技术的话,那么这本书将是您的不二选择.,The upload content self-study manual books in WPF source code, the book never had contact with Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation readers from beginner to mastery of the use of WPF desktop development, and this book s narrativeMicrosoft WPF development experience to master the whole process is so relaxed and happy style and technique so that the reader, unconsciously learn WPF development language of witty ridicule. book I start WPF related tools, from the architecture of WPF, XAML, dependency properties, routed events, command the reader has laid a solid foundation of learning. After starting to cut into the application window, page navigation, layout application, allows readers timely sense of accomplishment and fun learning experience. The next control, styles, data binding, two-dimensional graphics, animation and other related content to readers WPF technology raised to a relatively high level, like wings, fly freely.
This book describes the principles, concepts, technology
这本书对于WPF核心技术的原理、概念、技术、技巧与开发实践的讲述,是基于一位完全不懂WPF的菜鸟学习经历的,非常符合国内程序员WPF技术的初学路线,如果您想学习Microsoft WPF技术的话,那么这本书将是您的不二选择.,The upload content self-study manual books in WPF source code, the book never had contact with Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation readers from beginner to mastery of the use of WPF desktop development, and this book s narrativeMicrosoft WPF development experience to master the whole process is so relaxed and happy style and technique so that the reader, unconsciously learn WPF development language of witty ridicule. book I start WPF related tools, from the architecture of WPF, XAML, dependency properties, routed events, command the reader has laid a solid foundation of learning. After starting to cut into the application window, page navigation, layout application, allows readers timely sense of accomplishment and fun learning experience. The next control, styles, data binding, two-dimensional graphics, animation and other related content to readers WPF technology raised to a relatively high level, like wings, fly freely.
This book describes the principles, concepts, technology