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  • 上传时间:
  • 2013-01-18
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  • 提 供 者:
  • sadgf*****
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  Bugzero是一个多功能以工作流为中心的集成式业务流程跟踪软件,它广泛地应用于各行业的产品缺陷管理与跟踪、事务跟踪、问题跟踪、任务跟踪、查询跟踪、需求管理、变更 跟踪、企业帮助台和客户服务台等诸多范畴。

  Bugzero 提供了一个可靠的中央数据库集中管理多渠道提交至系统的信息,然后由系统按事先定义的条件和流程,自动分配任务给相关的负责人员。公司员工与部门、部门与 部门、公司与客户之间能在任何时间、任何地点通过简便易行的方式进行协作和信息交流,并且使任何记录都有据可查。-: JSP source code, management systems, Bugzero bug tracking system Bugzero is a multi-functional integrated business processes workflow tracking software, it is widely used in various sectors of the product defect management and tracking, transaction tracking, issue tracking, task tracking, query tracking, requirements management, change tracking, and many other areas of corporate help desk and customer service desk. Bugzero provide a reliable central database for centralized management of multiple channels of information submitted to the system, according to pre-defined conditions and processes, and then by the system automatically assign tasks to the responsible officer. Between employees and departments, sectors and departments, companies with customers at any time, anywhere through easy collaboration and exchange of information, and any records are well documented.































































































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源码中国 www.ymcn.org