使用图形和图象处理对不规则区域的选取。 本程序使用一张中国地图作为位图,各个省/市的区域是不规则的,通过对该位图的处理, 能对各个不规则的区域进行选取。 类似的实现功能为: 在中国地图上,当鼠标移到某个省/市的时候,使该省/市所在的区域以某种颜色高亮显示。
-Please carefully written to upload data more features, including content descr iption (at least 20). Try not to let the owners have spent time on the revised instructions you. Unpack the archive and can not have a password.
-Please carefully written to upload data more features, including content descr iption (at least 20). Try not to let the owners have spent time on the revised instructions you. Unpack the archive and can not have a password.