利用芯片8279控制键盘和LED,对每一次的键盘输入检查其对应的字符并作出相应操作,其结果体现在LED。比如:用户输入连续数字时,按用户输入的顺序依次显示在LED上;当用户输入加法操作时,LED不变化;当用户再输入第二个数时,再次依次体现在LED上;按“等于号”时其运算结果显示在LED上。其操作过程与体验与现在普遍使用的计算器相同。-The use of 8279 to control the keyboard and check the corresponding character LED, keyboard input and a corresponding operation, its results are reflected in the LED. Example: user input consecutive numbers, in order of user input in turn is displayed on the LED LED does not change when the user input addition operation When the user re-enter the second number, again in turn is reflected in the LED press the " equal The number " when the calculation result is displayed on the LED. Operation with the same experience with the now widespread use of calculators.
Electronic calculator.docx