风电场建模的案例分析。资料中详细分析了风电场建模的方法,并着重考虑了短路电流、LVRT、稳定性分析等内容。- Using an actual wind farm configuration, this paper
compares the effects of modeling detail on power flow
calculations such as those used to determine reactive power
requirements, voltage control strategy, wind farm losses, and
external events such as contingencies on the bulk power system,
calculations of short circuit currents, and stability analysis
including transient stability, low voltage ride through (LVRT),
and wind farm oscillations.
compares the effects of modeling detail on power flow
calculations such as those used to determine reactive power
requirements, voltage control strategy, wind farm losses, and
external events such as contingencies on the bulk power system,
calculations of short circuit currents, and stability analysis
including transient stability, low voltage ride through (LVRT),
and wind farm oscillations.
Case studies of wind park modeling.PDF