This directory contains a code example that demonstrates the functionality
of the general purpose timers on the ADSP-BF561 EZ-KIT,用VDSP++打开
压缩包 : 79419089timer.rar 列表 Timer\Core A\ADV7183_reset.c Timer\Core A\CoreA.dpj Timer\Core A\Interrupt_Init.c Timer\Core A\Interrupt_Service.c Timer\Core A\main.c Timer\Core A\main.h Timer\Core A\main.h.bak Timer\Core A\PPI0_Init.c Timer\Core B\CoreB.dpj Timer\Core B\Interrupt_Init.c Timer\Core B\Interrupt_Service.c Timer\Core B\main.c Timer\Core B\main.h Timer\Core B\PPI1_Init.c Timer\dummy.c Timer\Init_SDRAM.c Timer\readme.txt Timer\set_PLL.c Timer\Shared Memory L2\L2_SRAM.c Timer\Shared Memory L2\L2_SRAM.dpj Timer\Shared Memory L2\L2_SRAM.h Timer\Shared Memory L3\L3_SDRAM.c Timer\Shared Memory L3\L3_SDRAM.dpj Timer\Shared Memory L3\L3_SDRAM.h Timer\system.h Timer\timer.dpj Timer\timer.dpg Timer\timer.ldf Timer\Core A Timer\Core B Timer\Shared Memory L2 Timer\Shared Memory L3 Timer