地主游戏中的牌型很多,算法也各有不同,但我总觉得网上一些通用的算法有点铺天盖地,所以,我决定自己来重新想一下算法,总的来说,无论你出什么处于,三带二,炸,4带一等,你总是有个主牌的,从牌只认张数,大小是无所谓的,所以,我将主牌清点出来应该就只有 对子,3条,炸弹,双王,顺子这五类,所以,在发牌或者拿到底牌后,我们直接将所有的主牌类型清理出来即可-Many landowners game card type, the algorithm is also different, but I the online generic algorithms always feel a bit overwhelming, so I decided to re-think about algorithms, in general, no matter what in the three zones , fried, 4 with a first-class, you always have a main brand, recognize only the number of sheets from the brand, size does not matter, so, I will be the main brand inventory out should only pairs, three bombs, double Wang, Junko five categories, so, in the licensing or get cards, we direct all the main card types clean out can be