Linux是一种自由和开放源码的类Unix操作系统,存在着许多不同的Linux版本,但它们都使用了Linux内核。Linux可安装在各种计算机硬件设备中,比如手机、平板电脑、路由器、视频游戏控制台、台式计算机、大型机和超级计算机。Linux是一个领先的操作系统,世界上运算最快的10台超级计算机运行的都是Linux操作系统。严格来讲,Linux这个词本身只表示Linux内核,但实际上人们已经习惯了用Linux来形容整个基于Linux内核,并且使用GNU 工程各种工具和数据库的操作系统。Linux得名于天才程序员林纳斯·托瓦兹。
-Linux is a kind of free and open source class Unix operating system, there are many different Linux version, but they all use the Linux kernel. Linux can be installed in all kinds of computer hardware equipment, such as mobile phones, tablet PC, routers, video game consoles, desktop computers, mainfr a me and super computer. Linux is a leading operating system, the world s fastest supercomputers 10 sets are running Linux operating system. Strictly speaking, Linux the word itself only said Linux kernel, but in fact it has been accustomed to use to describe the whole Linux based on Linux kernel, and use the GNU project tools and database of the operating system. Linux YuTianCai programmer named after Lawrence Joe Schwartz.
-Linux is a kind of free and open source class Unix operating system, there are many different Linux version, but they all use the Linux kernel. Linux can be installed in all kinds of computer hardware equipment, such as mobile phones, tablet PC, routers, video game consoles, desktop computers, mainfr a me and super computer. Linux is a leading operating system, the world s fastest supercomputers 10 sets are running Linux operating system. Strictly speaking, Linux the word itself only said Linux kernel, but in fact it has been accustomed to use to describe the whole Linux based on Linux kernel, and use the GNU project tools and database of the operating system. Linux YuTianCai programmer named after Lawrence Joe Schwartz.