-The taillights control circuit using VHDL language design. Analog 6 automobile taillights (left of the rear of the car, the right of each 3) with six light emitting diodes, as a turn with the two switches the control signal (a switching control right turn, and another switch controls the left turn). When Previous traveling of the vehicle (when the two switches at this time none of ON), six light Quanmie. When the car turns, if the right turn (right turn switch is turned on), the right three taillights from left-to-right order of light off the left three light Quanmie left turn (ie turn left switch is turned on), the left The right-to-left order of a taillight light off, the right of three lights all off. When the left and right two switches simultaneously, 6 taillights and dark flashing.
-The taillights control circuit using VHDL language design. Analog 6 automobile taillights (left of the rear of the car, the right of each 3) with six light emitting diodes, as a turn with the two switches the control signal (a switching control right turn, and another switch controls the left turn). When Previous traveling of the vehicle (when the two switches at this time none of ON), six light Quanmie. When the car turns, if the right turn (right turn switch is turned on), the right three taillights from left-to-right order of light off the left three light Quanmie left turn (ie turn left switch is turned on), the left The right-to-left order of a taillight light off, the right of three lights all off. When the left and right two switches simultaneously, 6 taillights and dark flashing.