A display 16x2 (2 lines and 16 colums each line) with a PIC 16F628A, very easy to find in Brazil.
The programming languege was C with CCS( know as PIC C compiler) and Suite/IDE was PCW.
To make this program run correctly, copy the file lcd.c to the drivers folder CCS PIC Compiler, usually:
C:/Program Files/picc/drivers
Its just past and replace it!-A display 16x2 (2 lines and 16 colums each line) with a PIC 16F628A, very easy to find in Brazil.
The programming languege was C with CCS( know as PIC C compiler) and Suite/IDE was PCW.
To make this program run correctly, copy the file lcd.c to the drivers folder CCS PIC Compiler, usually:
C:/Program Files/picc/drivers
Its just past and replace it!
The programming languege was C with CCS( know as PIC C compiler) and Suite/IDE was PCW.
To make this program run correctly, copy the file lcd.c to the drivers folder CCS PIC Compiler, usually:
C:/Program Files/picc/drivers
Its just past and replace it!-A display 16x2 (2 lines and 16 colums each line) with a PIC 16F628A, very easy to find in Brazil.
The programming languege was C with CCS( know as PIC C compiler) and Suite/IDE was PCW.
To make this program run correctly, copy the file lcd.c to the drivers folder CCS PIC Compiler, usually:
C:/Program Files/picc/drivers
Its just past and replace it!
LCD Downtronica
...............\........\Last Loaded LCD design.DBK
...............\........\LCD design.DSN
...............\........\LCD design.PWI
...............\....\teste lcd1.bak
...............\....\teste lcd1.c
...............\....\teste lcd1.cof
...............\....\teste lcd1.err
...............\....\teste lcd1.esym
...............\....\teste lcd1.h
...............\....\teste lcd1.hex
...............\....\teste lcd1.lst
...............\....\teste lcd1.pjt
...............\....\teste lcd1.sta
...............\....\teste lcd1.sym
...............\....\teste lcd1.tre
...............\....\teste lcd2.bak
...............\....\teste lcd2.c
...............\....\teste lcd2.cof
...............\....\teste lcd2.err
...............\....\teste lcd2.esym
...............\....\teste lcd2.h
...............\....\teste lcd2.hex
...............\....\teste lcd2.lst
...............\....\teste lcd2.pjt
...............\....\teste lcd2.sta
...............\....\teste lcd2.sym
...............\....\teste lcd2.tre
...............\Leia antes.txt