输入的第一行是一个整数N(1 <= N <= 100),表示学生的总数。
接下来的N行每行是一位学生的数据,从左向右依次是姓名,期末平均成绩,班级评议成绩,是否是学生干部,是否是西部省份学生,以及发表的论文数。姓名是由大小写英文字母组成的长度不超过20的字符串(不含空格);期末平均成绩和班级评议成绩都是0到100之间的整数(包括0和100);是否是学生干部和是否是西部省份学生分别用一个字符表示,Y表示是,N表示不是;发表的论文数是0到10的整数(包括0和10)。每两个相邻数据项之间用一个空格分隔。-The first line of the input is an integer N (1 < = N < = 100), said the total number of students. The next N lines is a student of the data, from left to right is a name, the end of grade point average, class council achievements, whether the student leaders, whether it is the western province of students, as well as the number of papers published. The name is composed of uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet does not exceed the length of the string (no spaces) scores of the ending grade point average and class council are between 0-100 integer (including 0 and 100) whether the student leaders and whether students of the western provinces, respectively, Y, N indicates not a character papers published number is an integer from 0 to 10 (including 0 and 10). Between every two adjacent data items separated by a space.
接下来的N行每行是一位学生的数据,从左向右依次是姓名,期末平均成绩,班级评议成绩,是否是学生干部,是否是西部省份学生,以及发表的论文数。姓名是由大小写英文字母组成的长度不超过20的字符串(不含空格);期末平均成绩和班级评议成绩都是0到100之间的整数(包括0和100);是否是学生干部和是否是西部省份学生分别用一个字符表示,Y表示是,N表示不是;发表的论文数是0到10的整数(包括0和10)。每两个相邻数据项之间用一个空格分隔。-The first line of the input is an integer N (1 < = N < = 100), said the total number of students. The next N lines is a student of the data, from left to right is a name, the end of grade point average, class council achievements, whether the student leaders, whether it is the western province of students, as well as the number of papers published. The name is composed of uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet does not exceed the length of the string (no spaces) scores of the ending grade point average and class council are between 0-100 integer (including 0 and 100) whether the student leaders and whether students of the western provinces, respectively, Y, N indicates not a character papers published number is an integer from 0 to 10 (including 0 and 10). Between every two adjacent data items separated by a space.