#代码重新用类整理一下,对类class还不怎么了解,只做了简单的分类,图形输出、按键控制、数据计算 三个class。
#自定义背景音乐(图片格式支持中英文文件名JPG、BMP文件,音乐支持MP3、WAV格式文件,测试请将图片文件、音乐文件-# Code re-use the class to sort out, do not understand how the class class, only a simple classification, graphical output, key control, data to calculate the three classes.# Than the original add some features, the new puzzle time calculation, archiving, and " speed rating, background music loop. Beautify the progress bar, and support custom image puzzles,# since the definition of background music (image format support for English documents in JPG, BMP files, music support MP3, WAV format files, the test set image files, music files
#自定义背景音乐(图片格式支持中英文文件名JPG、BMP文件,音乐支持MP3、WAV格式文件,测试请将图片文件、音乐文件-# Code re-use the class to sort out, do not understand how the class class, only a simple classification, graphical output, key control, data to calculate the three classes.# Than the original add some features, the new puzzle time calculation, archiving, and " speed rating, background music loop. Beautify the progress bar, and support custom image puzzles,# since the definition of background music (image format support for English documents in JPG, BMP files, music support MP3, WAV format files, the test set image files, music files