倒车雷达是汽车泊车或者倒车时的安全辅助装置,能以声音或者更为直观的显示告知驾驶员周围障碍物的情况,解除了驾驶员泊车、倒车和起动车辆时前后左右探视所引起的困扰,并帮助驾驶员扫除了视野死角和视线模糊的缺陷,提高驾驶的安全性。本设计利用ATMEL公司的AT89C51单片机、超声波传感器测距实现超声波倒车雷达。利用LED和发光二极管表示传感器探测范围内是否有障碍物,当在探测范围内有障碍物时,发光管以一定频率闪烁,闪烁的频率以距离定,距离越近频率越高。同时蜂鸣器提示报警,探测并指明障碍物距离。-Abstract reversing radar car parking or reversing the safety of assistive devices, and to inform the driver around the obstacle to the sound or a more intuitive display, the lifting of the driver parking, reversing and start the vehicle around to visit troubled, and to help the driver to remove a vision of dead ends and blurred vision defects and improve driving safety. This design uses ATMEL Corporation AT89C51 microcontroller, ultrasonic sensors ranging ultrasonic parking sensor. LED and light-emitting diodes, said that whether there are obstacles within the sensor detection range, when there is an obstacle in the detection range, the LED flashing in a certain frequency, the flicker frequency is set to distance, the closer the higher the frequency. At the same time, the buzzer alarm, detection, and indicate the obstacle distance.
倒车雷达是汽车泊车或者倒车时的安全辅助装置,能以声音或者更为直观的显示告知驾驶员周围障碍物的情况,解除了驾驶员泊车、倒车和起动车辆时前后左右探视所引起的困扰,并帮助驾驶员扫除了视野死角和视线模糊的缺陷,提高驾驶的安全性。本设计利用ATMEL公司的AT89C51单片机、超声波传感器测距实现超声波倒车雷达。利用LED和发光二极管表示传感器探测范围内是否有障碍物,当在探测范围内有障碍物时,发光管以一定频率闪烁,闪烁的频率以距离定,距离越近频率越高。同时蜂鸣器提示报警,探测并指明障碍物距离。-Abstract reversing radar car parking or reversing the safety of assistive devices, and to inform the driver around the obstacle to the sound or a more intuitive display, the lifting of the driver parking, reversing and start the vehicle around to visit troubled, and to help the driver to remove a vision of dead ends and blurred vision defects and improve driving safety. This design uses ATMEL Corporation AT89C51 microcontroller, ultrasonic sensors ranging ultrasonic parking sensor. LED and light-emitting diodes, said that whether there are obstacles within the sensor detection range, when there is an obstacle in the detection range, the LED flashing in a certain frequency, the flicker frequency is set to distance, the closer the higher the frequency. At the same time, the buzzer alarm, detection, and indicate the obstacle distance.