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组合数学源远流长,它起源于古代的数学游戏,我国古人在《河图》《洛书》中便已经对一些有趣的组合问题给出了正确的解答。它又是年轻的,第二次世界大战结束以来,随着组合数学的复兴和崛起,组合设计理论的内涵和外延也经历了极为深刻的变化。它突破了古典组合数学仅研究一些趣味性安排和计数问题的局限,逐步发展成了一个崭新的数学分支。今天,现代设计理论的基本内容、思想和方法已与计算机科学、信息科学、网络通讯理论乃至生物学和化学等学科相互交叉渗透。而对实际应用中涌现的热点设计问题的探讨则已成为当代组合设计研究领域的一个主流方向。计算机科学和信息科学的迅猛发展正在从根本上改变着人们工作、生活、学习及社会活动的面貌。编码、密码技术也早已越过军事和外交的范畴,日益深入到经济领域和日常生活中。组合数学这门学科得以迅猛发展,成为了一个重要的数学分支,它的地位日益重要,它的应用及其广泛。对于计算机科学,组合数学的重要性也日渐凸显。-Combinatorial mathematics has a long history, which originated in ancient mathematical game, China s ancients in Hetu Luoshu "would have been given some interesting combination of the correct answer. It is the young, since the end of World War II, with the revival and the rise of the combination of mathematics, the connotation and extension of the combinatorial design theory has also experienced a very profound changes. It breaks through the classical combinatorics only study some interesting arrangements and the limitations of counting problems, and gradually develop into a new branch of mathematics. Today, the basic content of the ideas and methods of modern design theory and computer science, information science, network communication theory as well as biology and chemistry disciplines intersect penetration. The hot design issues emerged in the practical application of contemporary combination of design research areas have become a mainstream direction. The rapid development of comp




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