面向电子书画创作的虚拟毛笔模型 如何设计一个与用户友好交互、实时响应, 并且具有丰富艺术表现力的
的热点与难点问题 . 提供对艺术作品电子化创作的软件环境的支持不仅富有理
论研究价值, 而且有着广阔的市场应用前景,同时对信息时代中国传统艺术的创
新与电子化变革有着重要的意义. 文中提出了面向书画创作的基于实体造型技
术的虚拟毛笔的模型以及利用它进行交互式电子书画创作的计算模拟框架. 根
据上述模拟框架, 并研发了一个面向交互式电子书画创作的虚拟毛笔原型系统.
实验结果表明, 用户可以利用虚拟毛笔创作出艺术表现力非常丰富的电子书画
作品-How to design an interactive and user-friendly, real-time response, and has a rich artistic expression
For a long time study based on the virtual pen drawing environment is a computer graphics and computer human-computer interaction field
The hot and difficult problems. Software environment on the creation of works of art electronic support is not only rich
On the research value, and has broad market prospect, while the creators of the information age of Chinese traditional art
New electronic changes of great significance. Proposed for painting and calligraphy based on physical modeling technology.
Operation of the virtual brush model and use it for computational simulation fr a mework for interactive electronic painting and calligraphy. Root
According to the simulation fr a mework, and developed a virtual brush painting and calligraphy for interactive electronic prototype system.
The experimental results show that users can take advantage of the virtual brush to create artistic exp
的热点与难点问题 . 提供对艺术作品电子化创作的软件环境的支持不仅富有理
论研究价值, 而且有着广阔的市场应用前景,同时对信息时代中国传统艺术的创
新与电子化变革有着重要的意义. 文中提出了面向书画创作的基于实体造型技
术的虚拟毛笔的模型以及利用它进行交互式电子书画创作的计算模拟框架. 根
据上述模拟框架, 并研发了一个面向交互式电子书画创作的虚拟毛笔原型系统.
实验结果表明, 用户可以利用虚拟毛笔创作出艺术表现力非常丰富的电子书画
作品-How to design an interactive and user-friendly, real-time response, and has a rich artistic expression
For a long time study based on the virtual pen drawing environment is a computer graphics and computer human-computer interaction field
The hot and difficult problems. Software environment on the creation of works of art electronic support is not only rich
On the research value, and has broad market prospect, while the creators of the information age of Chinese traditional art
New electronic changes of great significance. Proposed for painting and calligraphy based on physical modeling technology.
Operation of the virtual brush model and use it for computational simulation fr a mework for interactive electronic painting and calligraphy. Root
According to the simulation fr a mework, and developed a virtual brush painting and calligraphy for interactive electronic prototype system.
The experimental results show that users can take advantage of the virtual brush to create artistic exp