本文首先对嵌入式实时操作系统μC/OS-II和目前应用非常广泛的ARM7处理器进行了介绍,并基于对μC/OS-II内核移植工作和ARM7处理器体系结构的深入分析,研究了μC/OS-II在ARM7处理器上的移植过程,并给出了μC/OS-II在Philips LPC2210上的移植实例。 关键词:ARM7处理器;LPC2210;μC/OS-II移植;实时操作系统
-This article first introduced the embedded real-time operating system μC/OS-II and is widely used ARM7 processor, and in-depth analysis of μC/OS-II kernel porting work and ARM7 processor architecture, the μC/ OS-II on the ARM7 processor transplantation process, and gives the μC/OS-II by Philips the LPC2210 transplantation instance. Keywords: ARM7 processor the LPC2210 of μC/OS-II transplantation real-time operating system
-This article first introduced the embedded real-time operating system μC/OS-II and is widely used ARM7 processor, and in-depth analysis of μC/OS-II kernel porting work and ARM7 processor architecture, the μC/ OS-II on the ARM7 processor transplantation process, and gives the μC/OS-II by Philips the LPC2210 transplantation instance. Keywords: ARM7 processor the LPC2210 of μC/OS-II transplantation real-time operating system