利用椭圆曲线离散对数问题的难解性, 给出了一个基于拉格朗日插值的( t, n) 门限秘密共享
方案-By mean s of the in t ractab ility of Ellip se Cu rve D iscrete Logarithm P rob2
lem (ECDL P) , a ( t, n) secret sharing th resho ld scheme based on L agrange in sert
value is p resen ted.
方案-By mean s of the in t ractab ility of Ellip se Cu rve D iscrete Logarithm P rob2
lem (ECDL P) , a ( t, n) secret sharing th resho ld scheme based on L agrange in sert
value is p resen ted.
Threshold secret sharing.pdf