威客贰系统独创的单人悬赏、 多人悬赏 、计件悬赏 、 定金招标、 本地招标为核心任务模式。超强的发贴推广可以分配到不同的任务模式不同的会员等级有不同的提成费用,根据网站自身需要可设定认证方法让网站会员进行认证。 威客贰系统金钱支付平台,详细记录网站会员金钱交易的来龙去脉。自动化处理数据让网站的任务、中标支付、评价、自动更新! 我们并不满足于现有成果,我们时刻关注国内外相关领域内的最新进展和动态。在用户需求基础上进行不断创新与完善,无论企业还是个人站长,全面满足网站的建设-PHP witkey system
Ii. The system witkey is a leading provider of witkey website content management system, based on the PHP+ Mysql architecture development. UCHOME system integration, system by the content module: witkey price, bidding task, talent pool, talent, recruitment, news and information, online payment, post and promotion, case demonstration a variety of functions such as composition.
Ii. The original system witkey single a reward, many people a reward, piece rate, deposit a reward for bidding, and local bidding for the core task model. Super post promotion can be assigned to a different task model different member level have different commission fees, according to the website their own needs to set the authentication methods make web sites for the members. Ii. The system witkey money payment platform, detailed records website the cause and effect of money all the members. Automatic data processing to the task of the website, and pay, evaluation, automatic updates! We ar
威客贰系统独创的单人悬赏、 多人悬赏 、计件悬赏 、 定金招标、 本地招标为核心任务模式。超强的发贴推广可以分配到不同的任务模式不同的会员等级有不同的提成费用,根据网站自身需要可设定认证方法让网站会员进行认证。 威客贰系统金钱支付平台,详细记录网站会员金钱交易的来龙去脉。自动化处理数据让网站的任务、中标支付、评价、自动更新! 我们并不满足于现有成果,我们时刻关注国内外相关领域内的最新进展和动态。在用户需求基础上进行不断创新与完善,无论企业还是个人站长,全面满足网站的建设-PHP witkey system
Ii. The system witkey is a leading provider of witkey website content management system, based on the PHP+ Mysql architecture development. UCHOME system integration, system by the content module: witkey price, bidding task, talent pool, talent, recruitment, news and information, online payment, post and promotion, case demonstration a variety of functions such as composition.
Ii. The original system witkey single a reward, many people a reward, piece rate, deposit a reward for bidding, and local bidding for the core task model. Super post promotion can be assigned to a different task model different member level have different commission fees, according to the website their own needs to set the authentication methods make web sites for the members. Ii. The system witkey money payment platform, detailed records website the cause and effect of money all the members. Automatic data processing to the task of the website, and pay, evaluation, automatic updates! We ar
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