基于GIS 数据库中线线空间冲突检测的需求,分析了线目标间空间关系精细化描述和计
算模型. 采用GIS 空间关系理论,利用分解组合的思想,将拓扑不变量归结为局部拓扑关系及次
序,并提出了一种将线线拓扑关系与序关系、度量关系集成描述的拓扑链模型. 结果表明:该模型
域面积等度量关系,可以满足GIS 数据库中的线目标间空间冲突检测的需求.-To meet the demands for detecting t he spatial conflict s between line object s in t he
spatial database , a topology chain model of line2line spatial relations was investigated. Based on
t he idea of line2line composed2assembled , t he topology invariant s are classified into the local to2
pological relation and intersection sequence , and a refined descr iption model of line2line spatial
relations is p resented. The result s show t hat t his model can integrate t he topological relations
wit h order relations and met ric relations to describe the detailed topological relations , lef t2right
relations and met ric relations , such as intersecting angle , number of inter section point , dis2
tance of two intersection point s , and areas of the region formed by two intersecting curves ,
etc , which can meet t he demands for detecting the spatial conflict s between line object s.
算模型. 采用GIS 空间关系理论,利用分解组合的思想,将拓扑不变量归结为局部拓扑关系及次
序,并提出了一种将线线拓扑关系与序关系、度量关系集成描述的拓扑链模型. 结果表明:该模型
域面积等度量关系,可以满足GIS 数据库中的线目标间空间冲突检测的需求.-To meet the demands for detecting t he spatial conflict s between line object s in t he
spatial database , a topology chain model of line2line spatial relations was investigated. Based on
t he idea of line2line composed2assembled , t he topology invariant s are classified into the local to2
pological relation and intersection sequence , and a refined descr iption model of line2line spatial
relations is p resented. The result s show t hat t his model can integrate t he topological relations
wit h order relations and met ric relations to describe the detailed topological relations , lef t2right
relations and met ric relations , such as intersecting angle , number of inter section point , dis2
tance of two intersection point s , and areas of the region formed by two intersecting curves ,
etc , which can meet t he demands for detecting the spatial conflict s between line object s.