HTML编辑样本(HTMLEd)展示了如何使用图书馆的Visual C + +包类,Internet Explorer MSHTML编辑控制
The HTML editing sample (HTMLEd) shows how to use the Visual C++ libraries classes which wrap the Internet Explorer MSHTML editing control. The Internet Explorer HTML editing control exposes WYSIWYG editing funcitonality in the form of an ActiveX control. The MFC and ATL libraries provide classes which host the MSHTML editing control in a window class and provide convenient wrapper classes for the control s properties, methods and events. To find out more information about the Internet Explorer MSHTML control read the MSHTML Editing topic, wich can be found on the Microsoft MSDN web site.
The visual C++ Libraries HTML editing classes provide a convenient wrapper for the Internet Explorer HTML editing ActiveX control. This control ships in the form of two dll files. The first, dhtmled.ocx is the actual ActiveX control that is hosted in the libraries classes. The second, triedit.dll is the dll that provides HTML editing functionality to dhtmled.ocx. Both of these file
The HTML editing sample (HTMLEd) shows how to use the Visual C++ libraries classes which wrap the Internet Explorer MSHTML editing control. The Internet Explorer HTML editing control exposes WYSIWYG editing funcitonality in the form of an ActiveX control. The MFC and ATL libraries provide classes which host the MSHTML editing control in a window class and provide convenient wrapper classes for the control s properties, methods and events. To find out more information about the Internet Explorer MSHTML control read the MSHTML Editing topic, wich can be found on the Microsoft MSDN web site.
The visual C++ Libraries HTML editing classes provide a convenient wrapper for the Internet Explorer HTML editing ActiveX control. This control ships in the form of two dll files. The first, dhtmled.ocx is the actual ActiveX control that is hosted in the libraries classes. The second, triedit.dll is the dll that provides HTML editing functionality to dhtmled.ocx. Both of these file