This report describes an architecture and software system for automatically performing
process planning and control code generation for cutting and inspecting prismatic piece
parts. This “Feature-Based Inspection and Control System” (FBICS) consists of seven
processes joined by interprocess communication. FBICS starts with a feature-based
descr iption of a part. Planners are provided at three hierarchical control levels that
consider, in turn: (1) an entire part, (2) work done in a single part fixturing, and (3) work
done on a single part feature. FBICS implements the RCS architecture. For data
handling, FBICS uses ISO 10303 (STEP) methodology, standards, and tools. FBICS
includes a solid modeler and 3D interactive graphics. Control code is written in RS274
for machining and DMIS for inspection.
process planning and control code generation for cutting and inspecting prismatic piece
parts. This “Feature-Based Inspection and Control System” (FBICS) consists of seven
processes joined by interprocess communication. FBICS starts with a feature-based
descr iption of a part. Planners are provided at three hierarchical control levels that
consider, in turn: (1) an entire part, (2) work done in a single part fixturing, and (3) work
done on a single part feature. FBICS implements the RCS architecture. For data
handling, FBICS uses ISO 10303 (STEP) methodology, standards, and tools. FBICS
includes a solid modeler and 3D interactive graphics. Control code is written in RS274
for machining and DMIS for inspection.