- 所属分类:
- 家庭/个人应用
- 资源属性:
- [Windows] [Visual.Net] [源码]
- 上传时间:
- 2012-11-26
- 文件大小:
- 170kb
- 下载次数:
- 0次
- 提 供 者:
- Sur***
- 相关连接:
- 无
- 下载说明:
- 别用迅雷下载,失败请重下,重下不扣分!
Credit Card Application
This a simple Credit Card Application that allow you to retrieve the customer details based on credit card number
entered by the call center employee, display transaction details for the customer for a particular month , and display statement details. It is very easy to use & user friendly (I use M-Access 2002 database). -Credit Card Application
This is a simple Credit Card Application that allow you to retrieve the customer details based on credit card number
entered by the call center employee, display transaction details for the customer for a particular month , and display statement details. It is very easy to use & user friendly (I use M-Access 2002 database).
This a simple Credit Card Application that allow you to retrieve the customer details based on credit card number
entered by the call center employee, display transaction details for the customer for a particular month , and display statement details. It is very easy to use & user friendly (I use M-Access 2002 database). -Credit Card Application
This is a simple Credit Card Application that allow you to retrieve the customer details based on credit card number
entered by the call center employee, display transaction details for the customer for a particular month , and display statement details. It is very easy to use & user friendly (I use M-Access 2002 database).
CreditCard\Credit Card\AssemblyInfo.vb
..........\...........\bin\Credit Card.exe
..........\...........\...\Credit Card.pdb
..........\...........\Credit Card.mdb
..........\...........\Credit Card.sln
..........\...........\Credit Card.sln.old
..........\...........\Credit Card.suo
..........\...........\Credit Card.txt
..........\...........\Credit Card.vbproj
..........\...........\Credit Card.vbproj.user
..........\...........\obj\Debug\Credit Card.exe
..........\...........\...\.....\Credit Card.pdb
..........\Credit Card
..........\...........\bin\Credit Card.exe
..........\...........\...\Credit Card.pdb
..........\...........\Credit Card.mdb
..........\...........\Credit Card.sln
..........\...........\Credit Card.sln.old
..........\...........\Credit Card.suo
..........\...........\Credit Card.txt
..........\...........\Credit Card.vbproj
..........\...........\Credit Card.vbproj.user
..........\...........\obj\Debug\Credit Card.exe
..........\...........\...\.....\Credit Card.pdb
..........\Credit Card