本文研究的是利用奇异性指数实现对设备状态监视和故障预警功能。首先用LabVIEW 采集传感器电信号,然后对采集到的电信
号进行小波变换得到信号包络奇异点的奇异性指数,即设备运行状态的特征值-In this research project, we use LabVIEW to do wavelet-transformation to the signal collected by sensors in order to get singularity
index from the singular points of the particular signal’s envelope. Through comparing this eigenvalue to the figures in a standard database, we can
know the functional status of the instruments. Not only the diagnoses are continuously displayed, but alarms about signs of dysfunction will also be
raised in a proper way. In other words, both the supervision of the instrument and warning of dysfunction can be achieved
号进行小波变换得到信号包络奇异点的奇异性指数,即设备运行状态的特征值-In this research project, we use LabVIEW to do wavelet-transformation to the signal collected by sensors in order to get singularity
index from the singular points of the particular signal’s envelope. Through comparing this eigenvalue to the figures in a standard database, we can
know the functional status of the instruments. Not only the diagnoses are continuously displayed, but alarms about signs of dysfunction will also be
raised in a proper way. In other words, both the supervision of the instrument and warning of dysfunction can be achieved