- 所属分类:
- Internet/网络编程
- 资源属性:
- [C/C++] [源码]
- 上传时间:
- 2012-11-26
- 文件大小:
- 1kb
- 下载次数:
- 0次
- 提 供 者:
- 独***
- 相关连接:
- 无
- 下载说明:
- 别用迅雷下载,失败请重下,重下不扣分!
1、 对地址为X的相邻的路由器发来的RIP报文,先修改此报文中的所有项目;把“下一跳”字段中地址都改为X,并把所有距离都加1。
2、 对修改后的报文的每一个项目,进行以下步骤:若原路由器没有该目的网络,就直接加在路由表中;不然,再看下一跳路由器地址,若是X,则用收到的项目替换原来的;若下一跳地址不同,,收到的项目的距离小于原来的距离,则替换,否则什么都不用做。
3、 若3分钟没有收到相邻路由器的更新路由表,则把此相邻路由器记为不可达的路由器,即把距离设为16
4、 返回
-In 1, the address for the X neighbor routers send RIP message, to modify this message in all project " the next hop address" field is changed to X, and put all distances are plus 1.
2, on the modified message to every project, the following steps: if the router is not the destination network, just add in the routing table otherwise, go on to the next hop router address, if X, using the received the item to replace the original if the next-hop address different,, received project a distance less than the original distance, it is replaced, or do nothing.
3, if 3 minutes received no neighboring routers to update the routing table, while the adjacent router recorded as unreachable router, namely the distance was set to 16
4, return
2、 对修改后的报文的每一个项目,进行以下步骤:若原路由器没有该目的网络,就直接加在路由表中;不然,再看下一跳路由器地址,若是X,则用收到的项目替换原来的;若下一跳地址不同,,收到的项目的距离小于原来的距离,则替换,否则什么都不用做。
3、 若3分钟没有收到相邻路由器的更新路由表,则把此相邻路由器记为不可达的路由器,即把距离设为16
4、 返回
-In 1, the address for the X neighbor routers send RIP message, to modify this message in all project " the next hop address" field is changed to X, and put all distances are plus 1.
2, on the modified message to every project, the following steps: if the router is not the destination network, just add in the routing table otherwise, go on to the next hop router address, if X, using the received the item to replace the original if the next-hop address different,, received project a distance less than the original distance, it is replaced, or do nothing.
3, if 3 minutes received no neighboring routers to update the routing table, while the adjacent router recorded as unreachable router, namely the distance was set to 16
4, return