是人,就具有其独特的思维习惯,一旦具有思维习惯,其所想到的,所写到的,所说到的,必然是基于其信息的输入经过思维模式的加工形成的。这种选择性的获取外界信息,具有独特性的思维模式必然会造成所谓的“一家之言”。在现代这种信息泛滥的时代,谁的话可以听,谁的话需要认真听,谁的话要怎么听,便成了一个困扰我们的难题。我们既不能全盘接受,也不能完全否定。那么有什么办法可以让我们既可以看到别人思维中的闪光点,看到别人由于其专业背景所提出的建设性的意见,而又不至于被人牵着鼻子走呢?《学会提问——批判性思维指南》给了我们一套很好的学习方法。 -Is a human, it has its unique habit of thinking, as soon as the habit of thinking, they thought, wrote to
, And said to, and must be based on the information input through the formation of the processing mode of thinking. This election
Selective access to outside information, unique mode of thinking will inevitably result in the so-called "one of the
Words. "In this modern era of information overload, who then can listen to, who would need to listen carefully, who
Then how to listen to, has become a problem plaguing us. We can not accept it, can not be completely
The negative. Then there any way we can both see other people thinking the bright spot, see other people
Because of their professional backgrounds for their constructive comments, but it will not be led by the nose? "Learning
Will ask questions- critical thinking guide "gives us a very good way of learning.
, And said to, and must be based on the information input through the formation of the processing mode of thinking. This election
Selective access to outside information, unique mode of thinking will inevitably result in the so-called "one of the
Words. "In this modern era of information overload, who then can listen to, who would need to listen carefully, who
Then how to listen to, has become a problem plaguing us. We can not accept it, can not be completely
The negative. Then there any way we can both see other people thinking the bright spot, see other people
Because of their professional backgrounds for their constructive comments, but it will not be led by the nose? "Learning
Will ask questions- critical thinking guide "gives us a very good way of learning.