本UPnP文档最初用英文发布,并仅有英文版本通过了UPnP论坛的正式审核。文章已采用翻译服务和翻译技术在英文版本的基础上翻译成目标语言版本,UPnP Implementers Corporation及其相关机构不对翻译版本做出任何保证,也不为由翻译不准确所导致的直接或间接损失承担责任。在使用翻译版本中所包括的技术信息时,用户同意UPnP Implementers Corporation和UPnP论坛成员对于英文到目标语言翻译的不完整、或不准确导致的全部或部分损失不承担任何责任。此外,用户同意应保护UPnP Implementers Corporation免受由语言翻译而带来的伤害。-The UPnP document was originally published in English and only English version of the official UPnP Forum, through the audit. Article has used translation services and translation technology on the basis of the English version translated into the target language version, UPnP Implementers Corporation and its related agencies translation does not make any guarantee, nor the grounds of inaccurate translation caused by direct or indirect loss incurred responsibility. Translated version in the use of technical information included in, the user agrees UPnP Implementers Corporation and the UPnP Forum members to the target language for the English translation is incomplete, or inaccurate result in the loss of all or part does not bear any responsibility. In addition, the user agrees to protect the UPnP Implementers Corporation from language translation and by the damage caused.