我们所处的这个时代,每天都有千千万万的人加入到创业大潮中,每天又都有千千万万的人被无情地淘汰出局。作为他们中的一员,我和很多人一样遍尝了成功的喜悦和失败的痛苦,摸爬滚打,历尽艰辛。最深的感触是,一个人在开始创业的时候,往往并不清楚自己要干什么、最适合干什么。只有不断的尝试,不断的失败,不断地总结、反省,才可能守得云开见日出,找到成就事业真正的起点-We live in this day and age, every day millions of people into the business tide, thousands of people every day and have been ruthlessly eliminated. As a member of them, I and many others Bianchang the joy of success and failure of the pain, fought, suffered badly. Deepest thoughts and feelings that a person start a business, they often do not know they have to do the most for what. Only keep trying, and constant failure, constantly sum up, introspection, it may frenzied sunrise to find the true starting point for a successful career