This a simple example to let a LED blink and test button-input (GPIO) on a Philips LPC2106 (ARM7TDMI-S-architecture). The demo-board LPC-P2106 from Olimex has been used. The project-setup is adapted for the arm-elf GNU-toolchain on MS-Windows "hosts" but since the GNU-tools are used, the changes needed to build the project on Unix/Linux are minimal. Please read the readme.txt and comments in the source-code and the makefile for further information.-This is a simple example to let a LED blink and test button-input (GPIO) on a Philips LPC2106 (ARM7TDMI-S-architecture). The demo-board LPC-P2106 from Olimex has been used. The project-setup is adapted for the arm-elf GNU-toolchain on MS-Windows "hosts" but since the GNU-tools are used, the changes needed to build the project on Unix/Linux are minimal. Please read the readme.txt and comments in the source-code and the makefile for further information.