在分页式虚拟系统中,当硬件发出“缺页中断”后,引出操作系统来处理这个中断事件。如果主存中已没有空闲块,则用FIFO页面调度算法把作业中最先进入主存的一页调出,存放在外存上,然后把要访问的页装入该块。调入和装入后都要修改页表中对应页的标志。-In the page type system, the virtual hardware send out "of a page, draw out the interruption of the operating system to deal with the interruption. If the main storage has no free block, then use FIFO homework page scheduling algorithm is the most advanced in main storage, stored in a page out, and those to be CRT access into the piece. Page And after a load to change the page table in corresponding page signs.
FIFO suanfa.txt