The cryo-engine assembly consists of a main engine and two steering engines capable of developing a nominal thrust of 7.5 tonnes in a vacuum with a specific impulse of 461 seconds. he main engine develops a thrust of 7.1 tonnes and each steering engine develops a thrust of 200Kgf. The cryo-engine works on staged combustion cycle. The cryogenic engine of all welded construction. The main engine is regenerative cooled and turbo pump fed and has a dump cooled nozzle extension with an area ratio 200.the two steering engines are mounted diametrically opposite at the side of main engine and can be gimbaled in both planes to a maximum of 37 degrees on either direction for the vector control. The engine has mixture ratio controller and a thrust regulation system to maintain a required mixture ratio and control the thrust level
The cryo-engine assembly consists of a main engine and two steering engines capable of developing a nominal thrust of 7.5 tonnes in a vacuum with a specific impulse of 461 seconds. he main engine develops a thrust of 7.1 tonnes and each steering engine develops a thrust of 200Kgf. The cryo-engine works on staged combustion cycle. The cryogenic engine of all welded construction. The main engine is regenerative cooled and turbo pump fed and has a dump cooled nozzle extension with an area ratio 200.the two steering engines are mounted diametrically opposite at the side of main engine and can be gimbaled in both planes to a maximum of 37 degrees on either direction for the vector control. The engine has mixture ratio controller and a thrust regulation system to maintain a required mixture ratio and control the thrust level