This paperpresent a novel fr a mework for inferring global behaviour patterns through modelling behaviour correlations in a wide-area scene and detecting any
anomaly in behaviours occurring both locally and globally. Specifically,
This paperpropose a semantic scene segmentation model to decompose a wide-area
scene into regions where behaviours share similar characteristic and are represented as classes of video events bearing similar features. To model behavioural correlations globally, This paperinvestigate both a probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA) model and a two-stage hierarchical pLSA model for
global behaviour inference and anomaly detection. The proposed fr a mework
is validated by experiments using complex crowded outdoor scenes.
anomaly in behaviours occurring both locally and globally. Specifically,
This paperpropose a semantic scene segmentation model to decompose a wide-area
scene into regions where behaviours share similar characteristic and are represented as classes of video events bearing similar features. To model behavioural correlations globally, This paperinvestigate both a probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA) model and a two-stage hierarchical pLSA model for
global behaviour inference and anomaly detection. The proposed fr a mework
is validated by experiments using complex crowded outdoor scenes.
相关搜索: PLSA
Global Behaviour Inference using PLSA.pdf