This document will describe some of the general usage of MATLAB s Data Acquisition Toolbox (DAT). The software in the toolbox allows MATLAB to acquire
data from sensors and to send out electrical signals that can be used to control or
drive external devices. We will be using this toolbox with two different pieces of
hardware. One is the sound card built into your laptop, the microphone and speaker
will serve as the data acquisition (and output) devices. The sound card provides
convenience because it will allow you to test the DAT outside of the lab. We will
also be using Measurement Computing data acquisition cards that will ¯ t into your
laptops PCMCIA slot, these devices will be in the class laboratory. The data acquisition (DAQ) cards allow your computer to acquire data from many different types
of sensors.
data from sensors and to send out electrical signals that can be used to control or
drive external devices. We will be using this toolbox with two different pieces of
hardware. One is the sound card built into your laptop, the microphone and speaker
will serve as the data acquisition (and output) devices. The sound card provides
convenience because it will allow you to test the DAT outside of the lab. We will
also be using Measurement Computing data acquisition cards that will ¯ t into your
laptops PCMCIA slot, these devices will be in the class laboratory. The data acquisition (DAQ) cards allow your computer to acquire data from many different types
of sensors.