build the ID array of system dofs to apply displacement constraints
Variable Descr iption:
csdof - the number of system dofs after constraints applied
sid - ID matrix of system dof formatted as nnode*ndof
discons - matrix record the node of displacement constrain
ndof - number of dofs per node
nnode - number of nodes in system-Purpose:
build the ID array of system dofs to apply displacement constraints
Variable Descr iption:
csdof- the number of system dofs after constraints applied
sid- ID matrix of system dof formatted as nnode*ndof
discons- matrix record the node of displacement constrain
ndof- number of dofs per node
nnode- number of nodes in system
build the ID array of system dofs to apply displacement constraints
Variable Descr iption:
csdof - the number of system dofs after constraints applied
sid - ID matrix of system dof formatted as nnode*ndof
discons - matrix record the node of displacement constrain
ndof - number of dofs per node
nnode - number of nodes in system-Purpose:
build the ID array of system dofs to apply displacement constraints
Variable Descr iption:
csdof- the number of system dofs after constraints applied
sid- ID matrix of system dof formatted as nnode*ndof
discons- matrix record the node of displacement constrain
ndof- number of dofs per node
nnode- number of nodes in system