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在信息技术不断发展,人类文明不断进步的时代,越来越多的电子产品开始占们的日常工作和生活,在很多公共场所,只要短时间照明的场所,就需要安装一些电子器件,即能够自动控制开关,在有人的时候亮,人走之后,也能持续一段时间,路灯控制器是一种声光控制的器件,能实现这种功能,即在白天光线比较亮不需要照明的时候,即使有声音,灯也会不亮,而在天黑或光线比较暗的时候,能够使电路工作,自动控制灯打开,而且能够在声音消失后,延时照明一段时间,实现照明的目的。通过查阅大量书籍和资料,才在老师和同学的帮助下,设计出了一个简单的路灯控制器电路,其特性优越,用途广泛,功能健全,使用方便。-In the information technology development, the era of continuous progress of human civilization, more and more electronic products began to account for their daily work and life, in many public places, as long as the lighting of the premises a short time, you need to install some electronic devices that can Automatic control switch, when someone bright, people go after, but also for some time, lights controller is a sound and light control devices, to achieve this function, that does not require brighter light in the daytime when the lighting, Even with sound, lights will not light, dark or light in a dark time, enabling the circuit to automatically control the lights turn on, but also after the disappearance of the sound, lighting, time delay, to achieve the purpose of lighting. Access to a large number of books and materials by only the help of teachers and students to design a simple street light controller circuit, which features excellent, versatile, functional, easy to use.





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