设计一个 4 路抢答器,当按下抢答键开始抢答,设置 4 个按键作为 4 路抢答开关,4 个LED 作为抢答显示,一旦抢答成功,蜂鸣器发声,与抢答开关对应的 LED 亮
-Chittagong short term internship program CPLD design a 4-way Responder, Responder to start when you press the answer in, set the four keys as the answer in 4-way switch, 4 LED display as a Responder, if answer in successfully, the buzzer sound, and answer in the corresponding LED light switch
设计一个 4 路抢答器,当按下抢答键开始抢答,设置 4 个按键作为 4 路抢答开关,4 个LED 作为抢答显示,一旦抢答成功,蜂鸣器发声,与抢答开关对应的 LED 亮
-Chittagong short term internship program CPLD design a 4-way Responder, Responder to start when you press the answer in, set the four keys as the answer in 4-way switch, 4 LED display as a Responder, if answer in successfully, the buzzer sound, and answer in the corresponding LED light switch