SURFACE2VOLUME convert a surface volume to a solid volume
OV = surface2volume(fv) creates a volume block (logical) in which every
voxel which is inside the given surface fv is set to 1. The
structure fv defines the surface by vertices and faces. The output
block has the dimension [M,N,P] where
M = round((max(Xpos)-min(Xpos)/GRIDSIZE)+2,
N = round((max(Ypos)-min(Ypos)/GRIDSIZE)+2,
P = round((max(Zpos)-min(Zpos)/GRIDSIZE)+2,
Xpos, Ypos, Zpos are the Coordinates of the given vertices in the fv
structure. The default GRIDSIZE is 1.
SURFACE2VOLUME convert a surface volume to a solid volume
OV = surface2volume(fv) creates a volume block (logical) in which every
voxel which is inside the given surface fv is set to 1. The
structure fv defines the surface by vertices and faces. The output
block has the dimension [M,N,P] where
M = round((max(Xpos)-min(Xpos)/GRIDSIZE)+2,
N = round((max(Ypos)-min(Ypos)/GRIDSIZE)+2,
P = round((max(Zpos)-min(Zpos)/GRIDSIZE)+2,
Xpos, Ypos, Zpos are the Coordinates of the given vertices in the fv
structure. The default GRIDSIZE is 1.
SURFACE2VOLUME convert a surface volume to a solid volume
OV = surface2volume(fv) creates a volume block (logical) in which every
voxel which is inside the given surface fv is set to 1. The
structure fv defines the surface by vertices and faces. The output
block has the dimension [M,N,P] where
M = round((max(Xpos)-min(Xpos)/GRIDSIZE)+2,
N = round((max(Ypos)-min(Ypos)/GRIDSIZE)+2,
P = round((max(Zpos)-min(Zpos)/GRIDSIZE)+2,
Xpos, Ypos, Zpos are the Coordinates of the given vertices in the fv
structure. The default GRIDSIZE is 1.
SURFACE2VOLUME convert a surface volume to a solid volume
OV = surface2volume(fv) creates a volume block (logical) in which every
voxel which is inside the given surface fv is set to 1. The
structure fv defines the surface by vertices and faces. The output
block has the dimension [M,N,P] where
M = round((max(Xpos)-min(Xpos)/GRIDSIZE)+2,
N = round((max(Ypos)-min(Ypos)/GRIDSIZE)+2,
P = round((max(Zpos)-min(Zpos)/GRIDSIZE)+2,
Xpos, Ypos, Zpos are the Coordinates of the given vertices in the fv
structure. The default GRIDSIZE is 1.