建立远程集中监控计量中心, 利用现有网络, 通过软硬件结合实现远程计量, 实现磅房现场无人值守,
现场自动或自助过磅。以视频监控、语音对讲等技术手段辅助计量, 将分散的操作岗位集中, 统一管理, 防范作
弊, 提高工作的计划性和时效性, 形成高效的生产调度管理。-When the rem ote centra lized mon itorm eter ing cente r is set up, m ak ing use o f curren t netwo rk and by com bi??
n ing hardw are and so ftware can rea lize remo te m easurem ent, wh ich can imp lem ent automa tic w eigh ing in unm anned
w e ighing house. By m eans of v ideo mon ito ring and aud io comm un ica tion techno logy, scattered operato rs can wo rk to??
ge ther for united managem ent so as to prevent fraud and im provew ork planning and tim e effic iency, w hich form s h igh??ef??
fic iency production schedu ling m anagem en t
现场自动或自助过磅。以视频监控、语音对讲等技术手段辅助计量, 将分散的操作岗位集中, 统一管理, 防范作
弊, 提高工作的计划性和时效性, 形成高效的生产调度管理。-When the rem ote centra lized mon itorm eter ing cente r is set up, m ak ing use o f curren t netwo rk and by com bi??
n ing hardw are and so ftware can rea lize remo te m easurem ent, wh ich can imp lem ent automa tic w eigh ing in unm anned
w e ighing house. By m eans of v ideo mon ito ring and aud io comm un ica tion techno logy, scattered operato rs can wo rk to??
ge ther for united managem ent so as to prevent fraud and im provew ork planning and tim e effic iency, w hich form s h igh??ef??
fic iency production schedu ling m anagem en t