高校人事管理系统包括的功能主要有编辑、查询、插入、统计和保存、显示功能,其中的信息主体主要包括在职人员、退休人员、返聘人员和临时工,需要存储这些人员的人事档案信息:编号、姓名、性别、年龄、职务、职称、政治面貌、最高学历、任职时间、来院时间。-College Personnel Management System, including the main function of editorial, query, insert, statistics and preservation, display, The main key information, including serving officers, retired officers and returning officers and temporary workers, These storage needs in the personnel files of information : number, name, sex, age, job, title, the political landscape, the highest qualifications, service time to a hospital.
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