激光具有穿透透明物质的能力,用它治疗眼睛效果特佳。我们知道,眼睛有个透明的外罩,即角膜,还有个血管交织的视网膜,当视网膜出了问题需要修补时,视网膜在眼球的后边,所以手术很难进行。这时如果请激光来帮忙,一切问题就会迎刃而解。-laser penetrating transparent material, the ability to use it for treating eye particularly good effect. We know that the eyes of a transparent jacket, the cornea, there is a retinal vascular intertwined, When a retina problem in need of repairs, the retina in the eye afterward, the surgery difficult. At this moment, if requested laser to help, all issues can be resolved.
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