此小程序的基本流程是,在一个文本文件存放里面备选的数据,数据的格式是每行有姓名和手机号.他们之间是用分隔符-来分隔的。然后在自定义一个方法,通过分隔符来区分姓名和手机号,然后将他们分别存储进两个不同的可变向量当中。自定义一个线程,此线程是专门用来随机选取一个号码, 并且每隔50毫秒就将一个不同的号码显示在号码框中,这样就实现了号码的快速滚动,实现了完全模拟电视当中抽奖的画面.-this small procedure basic processes, in a text file stored inside the data options, Data format is OK with every name and mobile phone number. among them is separation-to-separated. Since then the definition of a method, separation to distinguish between names and phone, They were then stored into two different variable vector them. Since the definition of a thread, the thread is devoted to a randomly selected number, and every 50 milliseconds will be a different number shows the number box, thus achieving a rapid roll numbers, achieve complete analogue television which draw pictures.
压缩包 : 15883835javachoujiangchenxu.rar 列表 bin\ChooseAward.class bin\ChooseAward$1.class bin\ChooseAward$3.class bin\ChooseAward$5.class bin\ChooseAward$2.class bin\ChooseAward$4.class bin\ChooseThread.class bin\data.txt src\ChooseAward.java .classpath .project result.txt bin src