Accurate measurement of ECG template parameters
is an important requirement of quantitative ECG analysis,
particularly if the results of ECG signal analysis are to be used
for clinical purposes. However, the accuracy with which these
parameters can be measured depends mainly on the accuracy of
the analysis algorithm. This paper presents a new method for the
accurate estimation of ECG Parameters, contaminated by
instrumentation and biological noise, this method is based on
three processes. First step is removing baseline drift (lowfrequency
components) using DWT transformation techniques.
is an important requirement of quantitative ECG analysis,
particularly if the results of ECG signal analysis are to be used
for clinical purposes. However, the accuracy with which these
parameters can be measured depends mainly on the accuracy of
the analysis algorithm. This paper presents a new method for the
accurate estimation of ECG Parameters, contaminated by
instrumentation and biological noise, this method is based on
three processes. First step is removing baseline drift (lowfrequency
components) using DWT transformation techniques.
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