本文设计的数据采集系统, 采用功能丰富的
MSP430F449 作为控制器, 采用AD7714 作APD 转换
模块, 使硬件电路结构简单, 受外界干扰小, 消耗
功耗低, 实时性较好, 更适合外界仪表的应用。-A high precision data sampling mini system based on MSP430F449 is researched. The system is established by hard ware construct2
ing and soft ware programming. Small simulating signals are obtained via AD7714 , transformed into digital signals by singlechip and sent to sin2
glechip for filtering. Then the transformed signals are shown on LCD and sent to PC via UARTfor further work. Using 430C language program2
ming softwares , such as APD transformprogram , system main program , communicating programwith PC , and filtering program , digital filters
are designed by using of ripple approaching method on singlechip. Well utilizing the performances of MSP430F449 and AD7714 , high precision
data sampling system is realized through self2design hardware circuit and software programming. The proposed systempossesses characteristics of
small volume , low power consuming , and high reliability.
MSP430F449 作为控制器, 采用AD7714 作APD 转换
模块, 使硬件电路结构简单, 受外界干扰小, 消耗
功耗低, 实时性较好, 更适合外界仪表的应用。-A high precision data sampling mini system based on MSP430F449 is researched. The system is established by hard ware construct2
ing and soft ware programming. Small simulating signals are obtained via AD7714 , transformed into digital signals by singlechip and sent to sin2
glechip for filtering. Then the transformed signals are shown on LCD and sent to PC via UARTfor further work. Using 430C language program2
ming softwares , such as APD transformprogram , system main program , communicating programwith PC , and filtering program , digital filters
are designed by using of ripple approaching method on singlechip. Well utilizing the performances of MSP430F449 and AD7714 , high precision
data sampling system is realized through self2design hardware circuit and software programming. The proposed systempossesses characteristics of
small volume , low power consuming , and high reliability.