本书论述在设计和建造数据仓库中涉及的所有主要问题,论述分析型环境(决策支持系统环境)以及在这种环境中的数据构造。主要内容包括数据仓库的设计与建造步骤,传统系统到数据仓库的迁移,数据仓库的数据粒度、数据分割、元数据管理、外部数据与非结构化数据,分布式数据仓库、高级管理人员信息系统和数据仓库的设计评审等。 本书主要是面向数据仓库的设计、开发和管理人员,以及构造和使用现代信息系统的人员,也适于信息处理方面的高校师生和从事传统数据库系统技术工作的人阅读。
-This book discusses the design and construction of data warehouse all the major issues involved, discusses the analytical environment (decision support system environment) and the data in this environment structure. The main contents include data warehouse design and construction of steps, legacy systems migration to a data warehouse, data warehouse, data granularity, data segmentation, metadata management, and external data and unstructured data, distributed data warehouse, senior management information systems and data warehouse design review and so on. This book is for data warehouse design, development and management, and construction and use of modern information systems personnel, information processing is also suitable for university teachers and students engaged in traditional database systems and the technical work of people read.
-This book discusses the design and construction of data warehouse all the major issues involved, discusses the analytical environment (decision support system environment) and the data in this environment structure. The main contents include data warehouse design and construction of steps, legacy systems migration to a data warehouse, data warehouse, data granularity, data segmentation, metadata management, and external data and unstructured data, distributed data warehouse, senior management information systems and data warehouse design review and so on. This book is for data warehouse design, development and management, and construction and use of modern information systems personnel, information processing is also suitable for university teachers and students engaged in traditional database systems and the technical work of people read.