
  • 所属分类:
  • 人工智能/神经网络/遗传算法
  • 资源属性:
  • [PDF]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2012-11-26
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  • 19.16mb
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  • 提 供 者:
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基于人工神经网络技术解决诸如人脸识别等模式识别问题,提供了一些快速算法,适用于应用和研究。-In this book, we concentrate on statistical and computational ques-

tions associated with the use of rich function classes, such as artificial

neural networks, for pattern recognition and prediction problems.
相关搜索: 神经网络



Bibliography .pdf

Preface .pdf

1 - Introduction .pdf

2 - The Pattern Classification Problem .pdf

3 - The Growth Function and VC-Dimension .pdf

4 - General Upper Bounds on Sample Complexity .pdf

5 - General Lower Bounds on Sample Complexity .pdf

6 - The VC-Dimension of Linear Threshold Networks .pdf

7 - Bounding the VC-Dimension using Geometric Techniques .pdf

8 - Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension Bounds for Neural Networks .pdf

9 - Classification with Real-Valued Functions .pdf

10 - Covering Numbers and Uniform Convergence .pdf

11 - The Pseudo-Dimension and Fat-Shattering Dimension .pdf

12 - Bounding Covering Numbers with Dimensions .pdf

13 - The Sample Complexity of Classification Learning .pdf

14 - The Dimensions of Neural Networks.pdf

15 - Model Selection .pdf

16 - Learning Classes of Real Functions .pdf

17 - Uniform Convergence Results for Real Function Classes .pdf

18 - Bounding Covering Numbers .pdf

19 - Sample Complexity of Learning Real Function Classes .pdf

20 - Convex Classes .pdf

21 - Other Learning Problems .pdf

22 - Efficient Learning .pdf

23 - Learning as Optimization .pdf

24 - The Boolean Perceptron .pdf

25 - Hardness Results for Feed-Forward Networks .pdf

26 - Constructive Learning Algorithms for Two-Layer Networks.pdf

Appendix 1 - Useful Results .pdf



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