从文档管理升华到知识管理文档是知识的容器,是已经物化的显性知识,其中蕴涵了大量本企业特有的知识财产。适时地、不受地域和组织形式的限制获得基于文档内容的知识,正是知识管理的一个主要目标。文档管理的职责就是有效地组织和规划文档,使文档的获得、归类、查找和提取更容易。分布式文档管理的最终目的就是成为知识管理体系的一部分,与其他的因素构成完整的知识管理网络体系。-sublimation from document management to knowledge management documentation is knowledge of containers has been materialized is the dominant knowledge, which contains a lot of the enterprise-specific intellectual property. Timely, geographical and organizational forms that the restriction was based on document content knowledge, Knowledge management is a major goal. Document management is the duty of effective organization and planning document, the document is classified, search and retrieval much easier. Distributed Document Management is the ultimate goal to become a knowledge management system in, and other factors constitute a complete knowledge management network systems.
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